Upsell Mini Course

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What You Get:

  • Pre-recorded Modules and Live Copy Review
  • The Messaging Matrix
    My proven framework for mapping out a landing page that speaks directly to your ideal client’s deepest desires (and objections)
  • The Anatomy of Attraction
    The 3 key elements every high-converting landing page must have (and how to optimise each one)
  • The Benefit Blueprint
    My fill-in-the-blank templates for writing benefit statements that make your offer irresistible
  • The Art of the Hook
    How to write headlines, hero statements and subheads that grab attention and don’t let go


  • 3 Landing Page Wireframe Templates that you can mix and match to create your perfect structure
  • The Upsell Workbook, packed with examples, exercises, and cheat sheets
  • A video recording of the workshop so you can rewatch and review anytime

follow me home @weareupclub

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on IG I try to be valuable (sometimes)

on Pinterest I'm just tryna be cute

on LinkedIn, I'm anything but professional
