17 years ago (*cough cough* so I must have been, like, 9 obviously) I got on a bus to the local newspaper and threatened them to give me a job somewhere writing stories a la 'Devil Wears Kappa', not Prada, this was 2006 in the North of England for heaven's sake.

(ok I begged, but threatened sounded cooler).

My fantasy of being sent to interview the world's elite as a renowned and revered journalist blew up in flames when they sent me to "shadow" a 47 year old white guy called Geoff in the advertising department. I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but I had moxie, a way with words, and a burning desire to prove myself. And, let me tell you: there IS NO COPYWRITING EDUCATION like writing headlines for ads in a daily print news cycle where everyone is basically all selling the same things.

A decade ago, I was a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed youngster coming out of a pretty well known advertising agency and then a stint at Manchester United (wanna learn marketing? Try one of the biggest brands in the world), some big names under my belt and a knack for ink slinging like the lone-ranger and his cattle. I just wanted people to pay me to write on my own terms. So, I decided to get so BLOODY good at it, those same people would have to keep coming back. Blessing or curse, I managed to make that a true story.

Fast forward to today, and I've written copy that's sold everything from high-end coaching programs to artisanal dog biscuits (seriously, they were bizarrely enticing) and $500 hairbrushes (I have one, it's pink and yes it is worth it -- have you seen my hair?) I've helped start-ups raise millions, service providers book out for months, and eCommerce empires sell out their inventory "too fast" (true story, read the testimonials).

And now I'm ready to sprinkle some of that word magic on your business, baby.

Immediate best friends

This last stage is entirely optional, but usually what happens here is you are so delighted, you ugly cry, we become forever friends, you refer me to everyone you know. Even the ones who don't know what copy is. You name all of your children after me (yes all of them, Lois 1, Lois 2) etc.

04 / 

The polish

You gather your team of trusted advisors, your business besties, your dog, Sandra from accounts - whoever you need to give the copy the final seal of approval. I take their suggestions (as long as they're not completely ridiculous), wave my magic wand, and POOF - you have a document full of words wise enough to make your biggest critics weep.

03 / 


The smoke will clear, the curtain will rise, and there I'll be, holding your dreams in words IN MY BARE HANDS. We'll reconvene for the grand unveiling, where I'll present the masterpiece (obviously) and together, we'll make sure every word is working its hardest. There might be tears (of joy, of course). There will definitely be virtual high-fives and possibly even some blow-kisses.

02 / 

The big reveal

Once I understand the brief, and you've poured your soul into my questionnaire, I will ghost you. But, in the good way. I retreat into my writing cave for a week, equipped with nothing but my laptop and your hopes and dreams. This is where the magic happens. I might emerge a little disheveled, possibly covered in ink, but I promise it'll be worth it.

01 / 

the disappearing act

First things first (why do people say that, do we ever do first things last? That's what I wanna know): We hop on a call and I dig deep into your brain. Your business, your audience, your dreams, your fears, what you had for breakfast on Tuesday last week and if it was any good - I want to know it all. By the time we're done, I'll know your brand better than your own mother.

How I work

you're a curious little buggar aren't you? I like it...

“You hit the bullseye on every possible level. You made me so excited about the mission and the work we’re doing.

You nailed my vision of this company completely. And you made it all sound very REAL and actionable, which has just reignited my spark for TIB and reminded me that we can actually make a difference in the world of beauty. I can’t thank you enough.”

what we did:

  • Core messaging strategy
  • Building the brand from the ground up
  • Taglines, slogans & names
  • Website copy for the media publication
  • Website copy for the store
  • Content strategy & copy for social media launch


  • Grew an audience of almost 30,000 fans in less than 10 months post launch
  • Finally selling product through their own store versus third party sellers, increasing profit over 200%
  • Big press & media features secured
  • Building a loyal following of die-hard fans of the mission

-Lorna, Co-founder

“Lois really sought to understand me and the vision that I had for my business.

Working with Lois helped me to solidify and refine my ideas, grow my impact, and uplevel my entire business. It was a great experience and I’d recommend it to anyone who’s looking for support around copywriting and brand!”

what we did:

  • Copywriting for sales pages
  • Messaging strategy for new offers 
  • Built and launched a workshop to course funnel
  • Email funnel copy
  • Social sales copy


  • Grew over 60,000 followers in the time that we worked together
  • Reels & social posts reaching multi-millions of people
  • 6 figures in revenue from a single launch
  • Strategised a membership to monetize her community

-Kelley Bode

“the copy, messaging and strategy have generated over 6 figures in profit in the first launch!

“Working with Lois, I launched two new signature offers that she wrote the copy for and the messaging and strategy on, they have been integral to my business' forward motion and generated over 6 figures in profit in the first launch. I'm not sure where I'd be without her.”

what we did:

  • Website copy
  • Sales page copy
  • Email funnels
  • Social sales copy
  • Messaging strategy & launch strategy for new offer


  • New offer brought in 6 figures of revenue
  • Doubled Instagram following

-Claire Diane

“Lois is unparalleled. I’ve worked with so many copywriters over the years, and nobody comes close.

In the decade I’ve been working online, I’ve never met a copywriter like her. We now refer her to all of our clients, and every single time they come away smiling from ear to ear. The conversions her landing pages and ads get are night and day compared to anything else, and we’ve made millions.”

what we did:

  • Website copy
  • Messaging strategy


  • Widely recognised as the leader in Shopify web development and eCommerce consulting

- Peter

“Lois is unparalleled. I’ve worked with so many copywriters over the years, and nobody comes close.

In the decade I’ve been working online, I’ve never met a copywriter like her. We now refer her to all of our clients, and every single time they come away smiling from ear to ear. The conversions her landing pages and ads get are night and day compared to anything else, and we’ve made millions.”

what we did:

  • Website copy
  • Messaging strategy


  • Widely recognised as the leader in Shopify web development and eCommerce consulting

— Hannah

Here ya go.

Want Proof?

Questions that are less frequent than they are fervent


My intensives start at $4500 and go up to the price of a first-class, round-the-world plane ticket (with a stopover in Guilin, because why not?) The exact price depends on the project, but I promise it'll be worth every penny.


Not really a question, but ok. You absolutely could and if that's what you're after, I wish you the best of luck my friend. Cheapest and best are two very different things.

how quickly can you 'whip this up'?

Ok, first of all there's no whipping, at least not of the copy. Second of all, I like to move fast, but I'm no Gal Gadot. Expect your first draft within a week, and the final, polished version within two. Rush jobs will cost you extra (and probably some of my sanity).

when do i pay?

I like how your mind works. 50% up front to secure your spot in my calendar and the rest when the words are in your filthy, beautiful hands and you're smiling like the cheshire cat.

“Lois is unparalleled. I've hired hundreds of copywriters over the years and now I wouldn't hire anyone else.”

- Peter Carter, co-founder, Rainy City

wanna become a mini team more iconic than bonny and clyde?

I thought you'd never ask...

My intensives book out up to 6 months in advance, I always keep a lil space in my calendar incase I feel like running away to Berlin, changing my name, dancing until Sunday and then changing my mind and coming home again.

If your project is exciting enough, I might bump you into my calendar in place of that rendezvous. But, I can't guarantee a thing. Join the waitlist and send an email if the project is urgent. If not, back of the line buddy. (Jk love you can't wait to work together).


I've been sitting here staring out the window, trying to figure out how to put into words the incredible impact Lois has had on me, and developing the brand strategy for TIB and This is Beauty.

So much so my coffee has now gone luke warm and I’m certain my elevens have got more pronounced (the lines between your eyebrows). Cheers there. Because the truth is, words almost seem to fail me. Lois's talent is just... ineffable. However, I will try and summarise.

I never considered myself much of a copywriter. Someone with a big vision and a tonne of passion, yes, but my excitement often outpaces my ability to articulate it clearly. So when I started to work with Lois, magic actually happened. Lois had this insane ability to crawl right inside my head and with laser focus, exact my exact vision so perfectly I swear she brought tears of joy and relief to my eyes. 

FINALLY. Someone who GOT IT. 

She took my jumbled ideas and transformed them into clear, impactful messaging with a clear structure and actionable advice. And to say she just as hyped as I was about the impact I wanted to make is an understatement. 

What             from This is beauty, has to say:


What Lorna, from this is beauty, has to say:

Her enthusiasm for every piece of work was contagious, and it gave me the confidence to be bolder, more assertive and PROUD of my work.

The best part, was that Lois and I had brilliant conversations. She challenged my thinking in the best way possible and became my biggest cheerleader. 

And the results? People loving the brand. Copy that sparks the RIGHT conversations, copy that’s impactful, an engaged and passionate community and we’re being spotlighted by the leaders in the beauty space for the positive impact I wanted to create in the industry. And now we are leaders in our own right. (Mission accomplished).

As for me? Lois gave me the push I so desperately needed to step into my power and not be afraid of writing!

So if you’re looking for a copywriter who goes beyond words. Someone who can translate your vision into brand magic, challenge you to grow, and celebrate your wins like their own. Look no further than Lois.