Writing wildly

 writERS' retreat in
the          of the Costa Rican jungle

november 14 to 18 2024


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ONE spot remaining




Have you ever noticed how your best ideas come to you in the quiet?

In the shower, on a walk, or just as your head hits the pillow? It's because in stillness, your mind has the freedom to connect the dots. Scientists call it "engaging in spontaneous cognition" or “stream of consciousness” thinking, essentially the act of unconsciously retrieving buried memories and generating new ideas.

Writing Wildly is an extended invitation into this stillness.

It is an invitation into the recesses of your thinking. It's a chance to disconnect from the noise of everyday life and uncover the truer levels of your voice. You'll have both space AND support to explore your story, your voice, and a deeper level of creative expression.

$4100 PIF (payment plans available)
Accommodation, food, transport & activities included for the full 4 days

Investment (until September 1st):

it's stifling your creativity

The relentless demands, the incessant deadlines, the never-ending distractions—they're all conspiring to silence your creative voice. Day after day, you find yourself torn away from the work that sets your soul on fire.

You've been there countless times... finally carving out space for a content creation session, flipping open your journal to explore some new ideas, only to be derailed by a client emergency or an administrative task that just can't wait. It's a constant tug-of-war between the art that fuels you and the obligations that drain you. Writing Wildly has been designed to break you out of the routine, the hustle and drop you into creative exploration.

Because here's what we all know: creativity & writing are a powerful catalyst for transformation.

I want in!

gently, confidently

At its core, Writing Wildly is designed for gentle transformation. A gentle rocking back to life again. To have courage to dig deep, to shed the layers of doubt, fear, and self-censorship that have kept your most powerful stories hidden, to unearth the stories that have shaped you, and to rewrite the ones that no longer serve you.

Through guided workshops, intimate writing circles, experiences in breathtaking nature and plenty of space to learn, explore, move, journal, write, reflect, read, heal, feel, laugh, play, you'll gain the tools and the confidence to bring your words to life in ways that truly matter.
You'll learn how to write in a way that connects with your ideal readers, whether you're writing an article, a blog post, a social media caption, or a book. You'll refine your voice and learn how to make everything you create sound like YOU and you'll have the kinds of experiences that will leave you creatively cracked open with endless inspiration for years to come.

Like, yes. Ok.

...and let them be the ultimate catalyst to bring your best work, your brightest identity and your truest words to life.

Running (or hiding) from expression, from new experiences, from themselves,

for creativeS, WRITERS & WANNABE WRITERS who are tired of

and instead want to run towards them.

Spend time with your words, your writing, your ideas, your voice with tools, workshops and guidance to uncover what you really want to say

Push past your comfort zone (both physically and in your writing) and experiment with new writing techniques, styles, and mediums

Produce writing that you feel excited about, that feels true and real and alive for you and build a practice that is both healing and expansive

Explore the stories, experiences, and insights that have shaped you, in a safe space to practice feeling seen and heard

You will be encouraged to:

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Create a body of work that accesses a deeper level of thinking that is just not available to you while you're in the daily grind


4 days of soul-expanding, greatest-work inducing workshops... and the space to process, INTEGRATE & CREATE

True creativity thrives in a balance of structure and freedom. That's why we've designed a program that combines daily workshops with ample time and space for personal reflection, exploration, and creation. The specific sessions will ultimately be curated for the group, but expect topics centred around expression, creative writing, visibility, pitching & portfolios, social media writing, the business of writing and copywriting, along with daily movement workshops.

Here's how it's going down...


pushing yourself out of your comfort zone physically

When you fully engage your body, you give your mind the freedom to roam. You will navigate the physical challenges of the wilderness & release the mental blocks that have been keeping your creativity in a choke hold. By stepping out of your head and into your body, you create space for your subconscious to deliver the ideas and insights that have been waiting to surface. We'll be rafting, hiking, chasing waterfalls and hanging bridges. And maybe even Tarzan swinging.


thought partnership & support to refine your personal writing style

As a creative, pushing boundaries is something your curious, rebellious heart is drawn to naturally. But that can be a lonely place. It's rare to find thought partners who understand your passion, and who fully grasp that you want to create something extraordinary through your life, people who are exactly where you are, who can challenge your assumptions, help you see things from a new angle and help you get comfy with the uncomfortable.


4 nights in the deep jungle next to a roaring river

Everyone talks about the beaches of Costa Rica. But the mountainous jungle and rivers are where the real magic is. To simply be in this environment is to step into another world entirely – a world that gets into your bones, where the lines between human and wild begin to blur. It's a world that invites you to peel back the layers of who you thought you were. There's just something about the jungle that strips away pretence, and asks you to simply be. 


time with world-class, in-demand content photographers

Being seen is an essential part of the creative process. It's a way of anchoring your transformation, of making it real and tangible and undeniable. And, it can be the most vulnerable part of any artist's journey. Most of us want to just create and hide. That's why we've partnered with some of the most sought-after content photographers in the country – artists who understand the power of the lens to tell a story, who can help you translate your vision into an outer expression. These sessions are a chance to confront any lingering fears or doubts about showing up fully as yourself. 


the magic of community with creative women

Expect a sense of safety, of understanding, of shared wisdom. You'll be surrounded by impressive, kind, brilliant, creative women. Women who see you. Who understand the challenges of balancing creativity & writing with business, with life, with BEING A WOMAN. Women who know the courage it takes to share a story with the world. We'll support each other, inspire each other, and celebrate each other's breakthroughs. We'll laugh. Really, belly laugh. We'll build connections that last long after you leave Costa Rica and a network of creative collaborators and friends for life.



I am in!

who            for

this is

seasoned writers

Looking to deepen into your work, bring new ideas to life, or just disconnect for four full days of writing and creative exploration with other female creatives deep in the jungle.


You will have the chance to refine your personal writing style, build a body of work and portfolio and have a strategy to go out and get clients

creative entrepreneurs

Those of you who already KNOW the power your words have to transform your entire business, and you love the idea of 4 whole days to explore, write and connect with other women

women who want to write

If you feel the call to reconnect with your voice, your purpose, and your innate creativity (and have a hell of a lot of fun doing it), you are SO welcome here

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Growing up my Mum had books everywhere. All over the house. Instead of a bedside table, she had a leaning tower of books. Cups of half-drunk tea perched perilously on the edge of whichever one had landed on top.

One slight wrong move or sharp turn with the bedcovers, and cold, long-forgotten tea would spill everywhere. Which, of course, happened often. Because she was always lost in one of three or four or five books she was reading at any given moment (she likes to start a few at once, so "you never finish one too soon"). 

This all-consuming love-of-stories is something I got from her. Storytelling, writing, is medicine. You can transform someone's life, heartache, dreams. You can help people change their mind about love, about pain, about money, about potential. All with a well told story.

How does the world ever change? How do you get people to pay attention? How do you connect with the right people?

It starts with stories. Always with stories.

I’ve been writing stories in various mediums for as long as I can remember. Books, poems, songs (lmfao), letters (to friends, my parents, family, the Queen – true story). But, when it came time to choosing what to do for work, I felt like I ‘had to’ go into advertising.

I had all of these other voices in my head, from my parents, from society, from – even – my journalism & creative writing professors:

– ‘starving artist’
– ‘nobody makes real money as a writer’

As someone who fought my entire life for financial stability, the words: ‘starving artist’ sent chilllllllllls down my spine.

So, I did everything BUT call myself a writer. While finding myself writing. Every single day. And, all I had ever wanted, from very, very little, was just to be a writer.

Until a few years ago when I saw someone say ‘give yourself the title and then make it happen’ – and I realised I was doing the opposite.

I was making it happen already, and feeling ashamed to give myself the title. Now, I KNOW, because I have lived it, that you can make writing a very lucrative, very fulfilling and very impactful career- whether you write for yourself or someone else. For business or art (even better if you do both). I just wish I'd owned it sooner. 

So, I'm here to remind every single human being I come into contact with who has that desire somewhere deep down to write SOMETHING. Marketing, a social media post, a book, even poetry, to let it spill out of your heart, furiously, imperfectly, freely. Because I can absolutely guarantee that someone, somewhere, needs to read it. And even if they don't - you desiring to write it is reason enough.

Now, I've been a proud, paid writer for 15 years. My words have generated millions of dollars. They have been published in global publications. I’ve ghostwritten two best-selling books. I mentor other writers. I’ve even made a few clients cry (with joy lol).

It is my greatest honour, outside of being a mother, to do this as work and call it work.

This is, absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt, what I was put on this earth to do. And I cannot wait to share it with you and a small group of creatives in the tiny jungle paradise I call home.

Hi, I'm          & I'll be your host


We will be joined by THE Queen of Content herself, Xanthe Appleyard of Oh Sierra Creative. Xanthe will host a workshop to round up our time in the jungle, giving you the clarity and confidence to share your voice with the world on the other side.

Xanthe is a content strategy coach and passionate community builder, based in Los Angeles. As the co-founder of Oh Sierra, alongside her husband Frank, Xanthe helps creative leaders grow invested communities through content strategy + education, collaborative events, and creative spaces.

meet our guest experts

Amelia is one of Costa Rica's most experienced guides. She's the co-founder of two adventure companies, a tour operations director and has guided practically everyone around Costa Rica's mountains, jungles & rivers, from celebrities, to politicians.

With Amelia, you know you're in the best possible hands. If you have a question, need support or just forgot your toothbrush, she'll be there to keep us in check.

Plus, you will:

By the end of this experience you will...

Leave the jungle with a newfound clarity of purpose, a deep connection to your voice & personal writing style & a transformed sense of yourself as a writer and a creative force.

Have a collection of powerful, personal pieces of writing either for your business, your portfolio or whatever you might desire to work on (is it time to start that book? 👀)
Feel confident in your ability to express yourself authentically and vulnerably, overcome creative blocks, self-censorship and fears that have been holding you back from expressing yourself how you really want to

Have a toolkit of writing practices and prompts to help you continue exploring & deepening your practice long after the retreat ends

Develop a unique writing style that reflects your true voice and resonates with the right people
Feel empowered to take bold risks in your writing and share your work with the world

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““I hope you will go out and let stories, that is life, happen to you, and that you will work with these stories... water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom.”

― Clarissa Pinkola Estés,
Women Who Run With the Wolves

Anna found her message, purpose & launched her dream business

“It was lois who first really saw what i now know is my purpose”

She quickly identified the parts of me that I want to be known for. It was her that truly understood and saw what I now know is my purpose. She gave me the confidence to be bold with my messaging.

Kelley found her voice & hit 90,000 followers

“it was so helpful distinguishing my voice, my message and who i want to be.”

Lois really sought to understand me so we could bring that into my copy. She is such a warm, loving person to be around and I deeply appreciate that about her. While working together I defined my voice, my impact, my message, grew over 60,000 followers to hit above 90k and had my biggest program launch to date.


“with Lois' support i was able to step into the leader i'm meant to be”

Having her in my corner has felt like a 'secret hack' (even though there aren't any). I love her straight-talking, honest business advice & approach. Her copy is genius. Working with her I've tripled my following, launched my first (dream) group program, and booked speaking gigs that were literally on my vision board.

claire added multi 6 figures in revenue

"the copy, messaging and strategy she created generated over 6 figures in profit"

Working with Lois, I launched two new signature offers that she wrote the copy for and was also behind the messaging and strategy, they have been integral to my business' forward motion and generated over 6 figures in profit just in the first launch, they are signature offers still to this day. I'm not sure where I'd be without her.

"Writing is a process of self-liberation, self-revelation & self-discovery"

Writing is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal for understanding yourself, your work and what you're here to do. Your words are what make your ideas spread. And when you know how to use them well, when you know what stories to tell, honestly it really does feel like magic.

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(payment plans available)

- Ray bradbury

follow me home @weareupclub

Let's be mates

on Threads, I'm the most chaotic

on IG I try to be valuable (sometimes)

on Pinterest I'm just tryna be cute

on LinkedIn, I'm anything but professional
