What do you write about? Do people even care? Who even am I? Did I eat yet today? All the usual internal chatter when being tasked with explaining the sheer brilliance of oneself for the purpose of selling the idea of working with you — it’s nobody’s favourite exercise (which is why you should hire someone else to do it or show you how. Ideally, an expert ;)). You know what makes it even harder? WE SELL ABOUT PAGES and things of that nature. It’s like the inception of copywriting.

I’m nothing if not embarrassingly, excruciatingly honest, so here it is...
I’ve struggled to write this page because it’s really, really, really outrageously difficult to write your own 'about'.

So, forgive the likely incoherent rambling. Here's my best attempt to tell you what about me is important to you. (You're welcome?)

Living > 7 figures

Not making 'wealth' your entire brand personality

Investing in copy before design

Creative expression &writing as a tool to change the world

Small, connected communities

Giving your best ideas the space they need to come to life

Growing up my Mum had books everywhere. All over the house. Instead of a bedside table she had a leaning tower of books. Cups of half-drunk tea perched perilously on the edge of whichever one had landed on top.

One slight wrong move or sharp turn with the bedcovers, and cold, long-forgotten tea would spill everywhere. Which, of course, happened often. Because she was always lost in one of three or four or five books she was reading at any given moment (she likes to start a few at once, so "you never finish one too soon"). We had two huge bookshelves that still weren’t even enough to house all of the books.

Of all of the furniture we bought and sold and lost and broke over the years, those two, gargantuan wooden beasts survived until the day she moved to live on a boat (that’s a whole other story but thankfully the Kindle was invented).

There were piles of books on top of the shelves, beside the shelves, next to the couch. Even in the kitchen. My childhood friends still to this day remember our book-furniture house.

I'm the potato-lookin' one.

This all-consuming love-of-stories is something I got from her. I never realised it at the time. But, this is one of the greatest gifts my Mum ever gave me. We didn’t have loads of money growing up. But we had stories.

We had whole other worlds to escape to. The perfect medicine for any kind of affliction of the soul. And this is what stories do. This is what good narrative has the power to do. Storytelling is medicine. A literary apothecary. You can transform someone's life, heartache, dreams. You can help people change their mind about love, about pain, about money, about potential. All with a well told story.

How does the world ever change? How do you get people to pay attention? How do you connect with the right people?

It starts with stories. Always with stories.

Storytelling has become such a huge part of my life and my work and my way of thinking. I've helped people & brands make millions of dollars telling their stories well. No matter what your business is, if you can get better at one thing, let it be telling stories. Let the most important conversations you were put here to lead & the stories that only you can tell be the thing that everyone loves about you.

PS. A client once literally described me as the “Obi Wan of copywriting”. So, yes, in case you were wondering, I am basically a Jedi.

I've been copywriting for 17 years (!!)

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When I tell people that, they don't believe me (probably because of my devilishly young-looks). I started at 19, writing ad headlines in a daily-print newspaper. Nothing will teach you how to make every word count like an angry advertising salesman under pressure.

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I don't love talking about money as an outcome, I believe there's always more to the story. 

BUT my words have helped generate almost $10m in sales & $4m in capital for clients over my career. And that's something I'm really proud of.

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I am at a point in my career where I can say 'no' and I like it.

I won't write anything that sells or promotes something that violates my values. Not much offends me, but I won't use my words for evil. So if you're borderline manipulating people, I'm not your girl.

Break the bio


One of the easiest ways to get noticed in a world where everyone is drowning in the same ideas and language is your micro messaging.

Your IG bio, brand promise, LinkedIn headline matter more than you'd think. This Notion dashboard will guide you through creating micro messaging that cuts through the noise.

follow me home @weareupclub

Let's be mates

on Threads, I'm the most chaotic

on IG I try to be valuable (sometimes)

on Pinterest I'm just tryna be cute

on LinkedIn, I'm anything but professional
