What You Get:
- On demand copy-edits.
Submit your work anytime, anywhere. Within 48-72 hours, you’ll receive a detailed edit, complete with explanations for each suggested change so that you understand the ‘why’ behind every edit. - Monthly writing circles: Each month, you’ll be invited to join a focused writing session. Because the energy of collective creativity is palpable. We begin by setting clear intentions – your personal commitment to what you’ll accomplish within the writing time. Then, surrounded by the quiet determination of fellow writers, you’ll dive into your work.
- Community & group coaching sessions: Writing thrives on collaboration, feedback, and collective idea generation. Even the best writers throughout history had editors, proofreaders, ideas people. In the Copy Club coaching sessions, we collaborate, brainstorm, and evolve together. The community is always there for you to come to when you need a boost of confidence, quick feedback or help to bring an idea to life.
- Notion Dashboard & Tools: You get immediate access to the Copy Club Notion dashboard when you join. This dashboard is filled with tools developed over a 17-year career as a working writer & copywriter to help you snap out of creative dissonance, give structure to your loftiest ideas & create work you’re proud of.